The Karla Woodard Memorial Horsemanship Class is a written exam offered at a beginner/intermediate level and an advanced level.  Questions are formed from information provided in the United States Hunter Jumper Association’s Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Study Guide.

Funds raised from participation in this class is donated each year to a local program making a positive impact in our equine community.

Donation Recipients awarded at the O.M.A.H.A. year-end banquet:

  • 2024 Ponca Pony Club

  • 2023  R.I.D.E.R.S. Responsible Individuals Developing Equine-based Relations & Skills

  • 2022  HETRA Heartland Equine Therapeutic Riding Academy

  • 2021 Saunder County 4-H Senior Hippology Team

The prize list for each show will be available on its dedicated page, which you can access by clicking their corresponding date on the calendar.